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6 Necklaces W/10 POGS

6 Necklaces W/10 POGS


This item contains Six Phygit POG Pack Necklaces & a total of 10 POGS.

Each Phygit POG Pack contains a Pretzel Necklace with approximately 40 mini pretzels on a colorful ribbon, and each package contains one POG (game piece) which has a chance to win prizes! You could even win a $3,000 Vacation for 2!

With this item you will receive 4 BONUS POGS! This is called a "Qualifier Pack" because if you collect any 10 POGS & send them to Phygit Foods, you will be put in a drawing to win a vacation.

10 POGS will "Qualify" you to be in a  drawing for a $3,000 Vacation!

May The POGS Be Ever In Your Favor!


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